What an exciting day in which to live. America has been blessed and we have prospered as a nation! The standard of life we enjoy would be considered a luxury in many countries. Opportunity and promise still abound because of our political and economical liberties. May God continue to bless our great nation and you individually.
“In June of 2019, the doctor prescribed some medicine to control my diabetes 2 condition. I got prayed for at our Wednesday night Bible Study and went back to the doctor because of a bad reaction to the medicine. I quit taking any kind of medicine and over the next few visits she told me that the diabetes had been reversed. Glory to God!" Charlotte
"The doctor told me I had a tumor and it really upset me, I'm only human after all. Within 24 hours they did a CAT scan then two weeks later I went in for the surgery and the Doctor told me the tumor disappeared and he did not know how to explain it. I excitedly told the doctor, Well I know, the church prayed for me and God healed me! " Beth